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 Kurt Angle fala sobre John Cena

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Kurt Angle fala sobre John Cena Empty
MensagemAssunto: Kurt Angle fala sobre John Cena   Kurt Angle fala sobre John Cena Icon_minitimeSeg 2 Jun 2008 - 10:03

Numa entrevista recente (este homem tem andado imparável em entrevistas) ao Eagle Tribune, Kurt Angle falou sobre John Cena, recordando que foi contra ele que Cena teve o seu primeiro combate na WWE:

"I remember he was really green. He was really nervous that first night. My job that night was to make him look good. I was going to win, because I was the established guy and the company thought I needed to keep that momentum, but I wanted to make John look good. I set it up with him so I would win, but he would look better than me. He kicked out of my finisher, and I won with a quick pin."

"I knew John would be special. I give him a lot of credit; he works so hard at it. He's a great kid, and when I worked him, we were on TV every week, but my job was to teach him, and he was a great learner. He's one of the guys in the WWE I still really respect. I'm proud of him, and I'm proud to say I helped him a little bit."
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Kurt Angle fala sobre John Cena
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