Em entrevista ao jornal britânico The Sun, Amy Dumas, mais conhecida por Lita no mundo do wrestling, afirma estar muito contente com a sua vida actual e não sentir saudade da WWE. Um excerto da entrevista de seguida:
"My schedule is much more relaxing. I must admit I enjoy it. I have a radio show on Project 96.1 here in Atlanta that I do on Sunday nights. It's a one-hour punk show, I love doing it. The last Saturday of every month I am involved with the Silver Scream Spook Show at the Plaza theater in Atlanta, a live improv-comedy show with elements of a variety show, vaudeville, and old style spook shows. It's a lot of fun to do. I am always with my band mates as well. Even if we aren't on the road, we are at the rehearsal space and dreaming up future possibilities for the band."
"No, I don't miss it. Maybe if I didn't do any other form of entertaining in front of a live audience I would miss it, but I still get my fill of being an entertainer, just not in the ring. I talk to some people there, yes. I can't speak for any of them though, so I don't know about life there changing. It's usually catching up on life rather than work gossip, so I can say I am out of the loop on that."