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 Kurt Angle volta a falar

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Kurt Angle volta a falar Empty
MensagemAssunto: Kurt Angle volta a falar   Kurt Angle volta a falar Icon_minitimeDom 13 Abr 2008 - 22:04

Kurt Angle deu recentemente uma nova entrevista, desta vez a um site inglês especializado em wrestling.

Angle em discurso directo sobre Triple H e Shawn Michaels:

"Triple H obviously wanted to bash me because I was a better wrestler than him and I deserved to be in the spot that he was in but he was never going to give up, he’s Vince’s son-in-law. I had to deal with that stuff all the time. I’d wrestle Shawn Michaels and I’d get a little rough with him, then I’d get heat from Vince McMahon because I beat up on Shawn too much. So I’m like: 'Well you know what, I’m tired of the two long-haired sissies. If they can’t go up against me then don’t put them up against me.'

Kurt Angle contou também alguns episódios de Chris Benoit:

"About a year before what happened I was talking to Chris – and they (WWE) were kind of running him ragged – and he pulled me aside and said: ‘Listen, I’m ready to snap.’ And I could see it in his face, it wasn’t like a normal: ‘I’m ready to snap, I’m really run down.’ He was looking at me real intense like he was going to kill me. He got some time off but when he came back they ran him ragged him again and he ended up getting concussion, brain damage and somewhere along the line he did snap. But everybody wants to blame it on WWE and Vince McMahon – and it’s really not their fault."

Kurt Angle disse ainda que acha a Awesome Kong (actual campeã feminina do TNA) uma lutadora fantástica e que falou com Jeff Jarrett sobre a possibilidade de combater contra ela no futuro. Jarrett disse-lhe que de momento não pode ser, mas Angle não desiste da ideia e diz que até a deixará dar-lhe uma carga de porrada... se bem que ser vencido por ela está fora de questão.
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Kurt Angle volta a falar
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