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 Kurt Angle critica Vince McMahon e a WWE

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Kurt Angle critica Vince McMahon e a WWE Empty
MensagemAssunto: Kurt Angle critica Vince McMahon e a WWE   Kurt Angle critica Vince McMahon e a WWE Icon_minitimeSeg 5 maio 2008 - 13:14

Kurt Angle não pára de dar entrevistas. E todas elas têm um denominador em comum: os elogios ao TNA e as críticas à WWE.

"In WWE, I asked to go part time like those guys and Vince said, "I can't do it. We have five hours of programming – you’re too important." Well, screw you, Vince. I gave you seven years of my life. Five broken necks. Fuck you. At that stage I was already talking to Dixie, so I knew I was leaving and going to a better place, and TNA has exploded."

Kurt Angle disse também ter-se sentido bastante aborrecido quando estava na WWE, ao ponto de ter falado com Vince McMahon sobre a possibilidade da WWE comprar talentos como A.J. Styles ou Chris Sabin em vez de pesos pesados como Batista:

"At that point WWE was so stagnant. I was wrestling the same guys all the time and I was bored. I started watching TNA and I was like, "Oh my God, just look at AJ Styles! Look at Abyss! Look at Samoa Joe, he’s awesome! Look at Chris Sabin or Alex Shelley or even Sonjay Dutt! I wanna wrestle these guys! Why don’t we have guys like these in WWE?"

So I asked, "Vince – what are you doing? Why are we picking up guys like Batista, who are 6’5", 300 pounds and can’t even wrestle?" This was back when he couldn’t wrestle – he can now. I was saying, "Why don’t we pick up AJ – he’s only 190 pounds but he's fucking awesome!"

And Vince was like, "Kurt, you’re the real deal, so you can be 5’10", 200 pounds, but we need the big guys." "No we don’t, Vince – don’t discriminate! Let a 5’9" guy win the title!"

Kurt Angle revelou também na entrevista que a WWE nunca deixará Chris Jericho subir até ao topo da empresa e esqueceu-se do nome de Khali, referindo-se a ele como "Kalip or Dalip or whatever".

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Kurt Angle critica Vince McMahon e a WWE
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